Things You'll Need
Choose what you will use to color the sugar paper. You can use crayons, markers or paint. If you choose paint, you will also need a paintbrush and a cup for some water. Also, you will need newspapers to spread under the sugar paper and old clothes to wear.
Pick a color to draw the outline of your picture. A good rule of thumb is to use black or a dark color for the outline. Draw the outline in any way you wish. The outline does not have to have a lot of lines or small spaces. The more lines and small spaces there are, the harder it is to color. Keep it simple and fun. After you draw the outline, let the paint dry if you are using paint.
Fill in the areas of your outline with other colors. For example, if you have drawn a tree, make the leaf area green and the trunk area brown. Cover all the space inside each area of the outline. If you are using paint, color in one area at a time. Let the paint dry between colors.
Sign your drawing when you are finished and hang it up where people can enjoy it.