The Color Wonder Paint
The Color Wonder Paint is actually a clear gel that is part of a two-part chemical process. The paint is only visible on the Wonder Paper, and won't show up on anything else.
The Wonder Paper
The special Wonder Paper is the second part of the two-part chemical process, that only activates when the Wonder Paint and the Wonder Paper interact. The color is transferred to the paper with the Magic Light Brush.
The Magic Light Brush
The Magic Light Brush is battery operated and applies the clear Wonder Paint to the Wonder Paper; gradually the chosen color appears. Touching the color code on the paint pot before inserting the brush tells the fiber optic brush strands which color to paint on the paper. The fiber optic brush strands are made of thin, fragile strands of glass or plastic that transfer data through light pulses. The paint is only activated by a chemical reaction to the paper, which only appears through fiber optic light pulses.