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Instructions on How to Make a LEGO Ship Out of Regular LEGOs

Lego construction blocks can be assembled together to make nearly any toy or object you can think of, a ship included. Whether you want a simple dingy, racing boat, sailboat or huge cruise ship, you can make it with regular Lego blocks, although special pieces, like a Lego rudder and Lego steam pipes, are available to make a more realistic toy model. This project is great for a Lego beginner and can be a base for a lot of customization.


    • 1

      Place a 4-by-6 plate in front of you. This plate is the bottom of the ship. Connect a row of 2-by-2 upward-sloped bricks to the top of one end of the plate so that the upward slope faces outward. Repeat this process so both ends of the 4-by-6 plate have a row of upward-sloped bricks.

    • 2

      Close both sides of the 4-by-6 plate with a 1-by-4 brick. Now, with the upward-sloped bricks on either end, the model is beginning to have a hull.

    • 3

      Snap a 1-by-8 plate over both long sides. This plate strengthens the connections of the bricks. Snap a 2-by-2 plate onto the two upward-sloped bricks on either side, which strengthens the attachment of the bricks to one another. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you want to create a deeper hull.

    • 4

      Snap a plate over the hull to create a flat top for the ship. Use two short plates and one hinged trapdoor plate to create a way in to reach the ship's hull, where you could store additional Lego parts.

    • 5

      Connect two 2-by-4 bricks, end to end with their long axis aligning with the long axis of the hull, to the flat plate covering the hull. These bricks act as the control base for the ship.

    • 6

      Connect a 2-by-2 round brick to another 2-by-2 round brick. Repeat this process three times and then connect these three round towers to the 2-by-4 bricks you just snapped to the ship. These three towers represent the chimneys relieving the smoke from the furnaces in the hull of the ship.

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