Things You'll Need
Stack two flat 10-by-2 pieces together. Turn the pieces upside down. Press the bottom of the rounded 6-by-2 piece into the end of the flat piece. Place the 2-by-2 diagonal block next to the rounded piece, slanting from the end towards the middle. This makes the body of the swan.
Fit a flat 2-by-8 brick one space down from the rounded end of the body horizontally across the flat top. This will make the base for the swan's wings.
Stack a 1 block at the end of one side of the wing. Place a diagonal 2 block next to it. Stack a diagonal 2 block facing to the left and a diagonal 3 block facing to the right. Place a flat 3-by-1 brick across the top of the diagonal blocks. Stack a diagonal 2 block to the left, a single block in the middle and a diagonal 3 block on the diagonal 3 block from the previous row. This makes one swan wing. Repeat for the second swan wing on the other side of the body.
Stack a 2-by-1 block sticking out from the front of the bird to start the neck. Stairstep the other two 2-by-1 blocks to make a neck. Stack the rounded 1-by-1 block onto the top 2-by-1 block for a head. Stick the orange piece under the top block for a beak. Place the black dot on top of the orange brick for eyes.