Things You'll Need
Compare your parts to the parts list included with the Toa Mata Nui kit to make sure you have everything before starting assembly.
Assemble the torso of Toa Mata Nui. Be sure to include the chest and abdomen shields.
Attach the head to the top of the torso. Put the Mask of Life on Toa Mata Nui's head.
Construct the feet, including the clawed toes and the hydraulic achilles tendon.
Build the legs and attach the feet. Connect the achilles tendon hydraulic units to the backs of Toa Mata Nui's knees. Attach the upper legs to the hip portion of the torso so that the Bionicle can stand.
Build the right arm and attach it to Toa Mata Nui's right shoulder. Place the sword in his hand.
Build the left arm and attach it to the left shoulder.
Assemble the shield and attach the spiky thornax launcher. Attach the combined unit to Toa Mata Nui's left hand and load the launcher.
Attach a shoulder blade to each shoulder.