Things You'll Need
Verify with your instruction manual that your have all of the pieces to your LEGO Kit 7784-1. You will start building the car from the bottom inside back, and work your way upwards and outwards.
Lay out the black flat 6 x 12 plate with a black flat 4 x 6 plate on either side. Line the black LEGOs around the edges of the plates and insert the gray Technic pins, placing two red circle plates on the two outer gray Technic pins. Fill in the inner bottom layer of gray LEGOs over the flat black plates. After finishing the back base portion of the Batmobile, attach the middle flat black and gray plates to the back portion. Work the middle and then front portion from outside to inside the same as the back portion.
Attach the blue hinge bricks and the red sloped bricks to the back middle portion. Insert the blue Technic pins. Attach the red specialty curved bricks next to the red sloped bricks. Attach the black sloped bricks along the outer edges. Set this portion aside.
Attach the gray Technic axle to the gear and the blue connector. Attach the red notched pins and the gray Technic pins. Insert this portion into the middle of the Batmobile you set aside in Step 3. Attach the gears in the back portion of the Batmobile. Put together and insert the gear for the front portion of the Batmobile.
Attach the back rear flames. Attach the archways along the sides of the vehicle. Assemble the section of gears that connect the front and middle portions of circle gears. Attach the front headlights. Attach the details along the side of the vehicle and on the seat inside the car.
Finish attaching the back top portion of LEGOs. Attach the front shield onto the car and the back side bat wings. Insert the Batman hubcaps into each wheel and insert each wheel onto the car. Your Batmobile is now complete.