Things You'll Need
Flip the wood-colored base piece over. It is square and has an indentation in the center. Attach four 2-by-2 stud round plates on the bottom of this piece.
Flip the base over and insert a blue Technic pin into the center. Attach the foot stand to this pin. Place one of the basketball players on this foot stand.
Center the 4-by-4 cone brick at the narrower end of a 6-by-8 plate. Attach two 2-by-2 plates with upright Technic pins on the top to this place, 1 stud in from the three sides and the cone brick.
Attach a 2-stud rod to the end of an L-shaped Technic connector. Insert a 10-stud rod into the other end of this, and into the cone brick. This becomes the post for the basket.
Attach two 1-by-2 bricks with cross-shaped holes in the sides to the center of a 2-by-4 plate. The cross marks should line up with each other, and point to the center of the long side. Attach a 2-by-2 upward-angled brick to the sides of the 2-by-4. This trapezoid shape becomes the bottom of the backboard.
Place a 1-by-6 and a 1-by-8 plate on top of the backboard base. Attach the Backboard brick, a transparent piece with the NBA logo on it, on the center of the longer plate. Attach the two 1-by-1 tall bricks on either side. Stick another 1-by-8 plate across the top of this.
Attach the back of the baseboard to the 2-stud rod on the basket post. Attach the basket and net to the front of the model.
Put the cardboard base onto the two upright pins at the base of the basket, with the two holes at the end of the court around those pins. Wrap a red rubber band around the two pins to keep this piece in place.
Place the basketball player on the court, point him toward the net.
Place a basketball at the feet of your player. Tilt the player forward to have him pick up the ball. Release the player to have him stand upright.
Pull the player backward and release to have him throw the ball at the basket. This is the basic way to use the players.