Things You'll Need
Place a red 2-by-2 stud brick in the back of the black rounded lower hull section. Place two yellow 1-by-1 round single studs on the front row, above the Technic holes on the piece. Place these pieces on the second and fifth studs on this part of the model. Place a gray 4-by-6 plate on top of these pieces.
Place the two 1-by-6-stud black upward curved bricks onto the sides of the piece, so they fit into the curved walls of the hull.
Place two blue 2-by-4 plates on the gray plate, parallel to each other and near the pointed end of the hull. Place two yellow 1-by-2 bricks at the flat end of the piece, parallel to each other and perpendicular to the flat end of the boat. Stack two 1-by-2 yellow plates with twin side-mounted hooks on top of the yellow bricks, with each hook pointing toward the outside of the model.
Place two black 1-by-2 black angled bricks behind the yellow bricks, so the angled ends point outward and form the shark's back. Place the two 2-by-4 angled wing-shaped bricks behind these angled bricks to continue the curve of the back.
Stack a red phone-shaped brick on top of a gray 2-by-2 brick with a round joint at the front. The studs atop the phone should be against the joint socket. Place this in the middle of the hull piece, with the socket at the front, lined up with the flat side of the model.
Stack a 2-by-2 black plate with a semi-circular bumped-out edge on the tip of a 2-by-12 yellow plate. Place a yellow 2-by-3 plate in front of the black plate. Repeat a second time to make a two-layer end. Place two 1-by-4 yellow bricks with side-mounted studs back-to-back in front of the stack. Stick two small and four large black spikes into the side-mounted studs. Attach this unit to the back of the model.
Attach the large, long angled black brick to the top of the model, covering the entire construction. Attach decals to the top and sides of this piece. Stack a black 2-by-3 plate on the back of this piece, and place a small black fin on the top-back of this piece. Attach a medium black fin to the front of this piece.
Stack a yellow 2-by-3-stud plate at the end of a black 2-by-6 plate. Attach two 3-by-6-stud wing plates to the front of this piece, back-to-back so they form a narrow point at the nose of the shark.
Clip the black joint peg unit to the underside of a 2-by-2 grey joint brick. Attach this to the end of the model, with the joint pointing away from the nose. Attach two black 1-by-4 bricks with Technic holes on the sides in front of the joint brick. Stick a gray 2-by-2 plate between these two pieces, on top.
Insert a blue Technic pin into the corner and end of an L-shaped Technic thin beam. Attach a red 2-hole beam to the tip-most pin. Make a second, mirrored unit. Attach these to the sides of the model, plugging the corner pin into the joint brick, and the other pin into the black 1-by-4 bricks added earlier. The long part of the L should point down.
Plug red Technic rods into the ends of a red spike, and then insert that into the open hole on the 2-hole beam. The spikes should point forward as the eyes. Cover the entire unit with a black curved hull shape. Attach the head decals to the top of this hull. Flip the model over.
Attach four 1-by-1 red plates with side hooks to the underside of the model, at the front of the black 2-by-6 plate. The hooks should point away from each other, toward the sides of the model. Stick a round-bottom black 2-by-2 plate over all of these. Clip four teeth into the top of these hooks.
Push a 6-stud Technic rod through the black L-shaped beams. Attach a dark gray Technic parallel hinge connector on the side of this beam.
Attach a Technic washer onto the end of a red 2-stud Technic rod. Attach a 3-hole thin beam to this piece, and then plug it into a red 1-by-2 brick with a Technic rod-shaped hole. The beam should point toward the back of the brick. Push a 6-stud Technic rod through the beam. Place a washer and a red spacer on the brick side of the rod, and a red spacer on the outside. This becomes the jaw hinge.
Plug the hinge piece into the hollow of a smaller curved hull-shaped brick. Stack two red 1-by-1 plates with side-hooks on top of a red phone brick. Place this inside the small hull, so the hooks touch the hinge. This makes up the lower jaw. Cover this with a red 2-by-3 plate. Flip the lower jaw over. Clip a black 2-by-2 flat bottomed square plate on the bottom of the hull piece.
Flip the lower jaw back over. Attach four small white spikes and two large ones into place as the teeth. Slide the lower jaw into the parallel hinge. Connect a second parallel hinge to the other side of this piece, and flip the head over. Plug it into the main body of the shark.
Attach a 2-by-2 yellow hinge plate to the top of a yellow 1-by-2 plate with a side handle on it. Attach a 3-by-6 black wing to the side of it. The hinge corner should be away from the wider angle on the wing. Flip the model over, and attach a gray 2-by-2 plate with a Technic hole on it underneath the wing, with the hole pointing away from the hinge. Place a black 2-by-2 round-bottom plate between the hinge and the plate.
Repeat to make a second mirrored unit. Clip these to the side of the shark's body.
Push two blue Technic pins into a black 120-degree angle connector. Attach a fin connector to one end of this, to create a curve. Place a gray stud-ended pin into the end of this, and plug a small spike. Make two units and plug them into the undersides of the shark's fins.
Stack a 1-by-12 yellow plate on top of an identical 1-by-12 plate, offsetting it by 4 studs. Attach two black 1-by-1 bricks with Technic holes onto the lower plate's offset, so the holes line up. Insert a black double Technic pin into these holes.
Stick a 1-by-4 black plate in the elbow formed by the long plate and the black brick. Place a 1-by-10 black curved brick on the top of this piece, so the end lines up with the bricks. Place a 1-by-6 flat-topped plate, black, on top of the two hole bricks and the curved brick.
Insert two red Technic rods into a black 120-degree connector. Plug this into the Technic double pin. Attach this to the black S-shaped Technic connector, and plug that into the tip of the shark's tail. The long part should point upward.
Insert a blue Technic pin into the end of a black 120-degree fin connector. The fin should point away from the pin. Plug a black Technic pin into the other end of this connector. Attach a second fin connector to this, and a gray stud-ended pin into the end of that. Plug black spikes into the sides of the two fin connectors and the pin.
Plug this fin piece into the underside of the S-shaped connector. Pose the fins, the jaw, and the body to make the shark look threatening. Pose the shark with the Minifig character he comes with.