LEGO Castle Scene
Go back in time to the age of kings with this display. Build an elaborate castle in the center of your display using gray and black LEGO blocks. Feature several towers, with one main tower in the middle of the castle. In the walls, place numerous windows, with ledges on each that feature greenery portrayed by green LEGO bricks. Add a large doorway or drawbridge in the front of the castle, and a walkway stemming from this entrance into a large garden or forest to the side. This forest will be made of LEGO blocks as well. In the front, get creative by making a vast courtyard or floral garden -- complete with pathways -- or have it lead into the rest of the town, the buildings of which are too made of LEGO bricks. Another option is to have the landscape drop off after the garden or courtyard, creating a staggered cliff that erupts out of a beach and shoreline. You can place the whole scene on a LEGO board, but since the castle will sit on a cliff that is securely snapped together, it will operate as one large piece. If you don't have a LEGO board, try a piece of plywood, an old table or another sturdy base.
LEGO Character or Persona Depictions
Have a favorite cartoon character or TV persona? Make a large-scale depiction of them using LEGO bricks. Depending on the size of your project, collect as many colors as needed, with each color having a large amount of darker and lighter tones of that color for shading and lighting purposes. For instance, if you're making Mickey Mouse, you'll need many red Lego bricks. However, you'll need three shades: bright red for the standard color, dark red for darker areas and light red for highlighting bright areas. If the character or persona is part of a group, create the other members of that group and have them look as though they're interacting with one another. If you don't want to do a 3-dimensional depiction, opt for 2D by using a LEGO board, on which the LEGO blocks will snap into place.
LEGO Cityscape
Recreate a cityscape, whether it's a real one or imaginary, using LEGO bricks. Map out the city on a large LEGO board so that all the pieces are secure and the display can move. First designate where the streets will go, snapping them on the board and highlighting road marks, such as yellow and white lines. Next, build the city's skyscrapers and buildings. Try to stay as true to the real city if you're modeling your display from an actual place. If not, get creative: make several sky scrapers, a theater, several café buildings, a courthouse, multiple cars on the streets and a bridge over a river that runs through the metropolis. Other options are homes, churches, and a park, and a variety of LEGO people.
Build a large-scale zoo for your display, incorporating several walkways, benches, cages, gardens and animals. However, instead of using LEGO animals in your zoo, try making your own. Build your own detailed monkeys, lions and giraffes, and have them sit in their habitats as LEGO people walk around the pathways to view them. Also incorporate several eateries, where attendees are enjoying lunch and gift shops. Feature flowers and trees all around the zoo's walkways, not just in the habitats.