Three official book series chronicled the Bionicle story. The first book series, "Bionicle Chronicles," has five books titled: "Tale of Toa," "Beware the Bohrok," "Makuta's Revenge," "Tales of the Masks" and "Mask of Light." The second series, "Bionicle Adventures," has 10 books in total including: "Mystery of Metru Nui," "Trial By Fire," "The Darkness Below," "Legends of Metru Nui," "Voyage of Fears," "Maze of Shadows," Web of Visorak," "Challenge of Hordika," "Web of Shadows" and "Time Trap." The third series, labeled "Bionicle Legends," has 11 books. These books are: "Island of Doom," "Dark Destiny," "Power Play," "Legacy of Evil," "Inferno," "City of the Lost," "Prisoners of the Pit," "Downfall," "Shadows in the Sky," "Swamp of Secrets" and "The Final Battle."
The Bionicle series has four movies. The first, "Bionicle: Mask of Light," was released in 2003. "Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui" was a prequel to the saga and was released in 2004. The third movie, "Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows," was released in 2005 and brought the return of the Toa warriors to Metru Nui. The last movie, "Bionicle: The Legend Reborn" aired in 2009.
Comic Books
In 2001, LEGO partnered with DC Comics to print a full series of Bionicle comic books. This series saw 27 issues in total, with the last issue being distributed in 2005. "Bionicle Ignition" was the second lineup of comics starting in 2006. This series saw 14 issues and came to a close in 2008. "A Battle of Power" line retold the Ignition story in a slimmed down series of four comics. In 2009, the "Bionicle Glatorian" series was a five-issue series with a sub-series spanning two issues.
Graphic Novels
Starting in 2008, LEGO published nine graphic novels for its Bionicle brand. The first was "Rise of the Toa Nuva." The second graphic novel, "Challenge of the Rahkshi," was also released in 2008. "City of Legends" was the third installment and it too was published in 2008. "Trial by Fire" was the first graphic novel published in 2009. The next graphic novel in the series was "The Battle of Voya Nui. "The Underwater City" and "Realm of Fear" closed out Bionicle's 2009 graphic novels. The last two graphic novels: "Legends of Bara Magna" and "The Fall of Atero" were both published in 2010.