Things You'll Need
Attach the 2 x 6 pieces to the top and bottom of the 4 x 10 piece. You can join these pieces together using two of the 2 x 4 bricks on the under side. Attach the 2 x 4 pieces horizontally so that the bottom four circles attach to the the top four circles of the 4 x 10 and the top four circles attach to the bottom center four circles of the 2 x 6. This will be the opposite when you attach at the other end. When referring to the sizes of the pieces, a 2 x 6 piece means that it has two Lego circles across and six down.
Attach two of the 2 x 4 pieces to the bottom of the 4 x 10 piece. Be sure that they are attached vertically and that they are centered. When you look at the bottom, you will see the 4 x 10 with two horizontal pieces across the top and bottom and the two 2 x 4 pieces down the middle.
Attach another 2 x 6 piece so that it is centered over the two pieces you just attached.
Attach the two 2 x 3 pieces on either end of the 2 x 6 piece.
Attach two 2 x 12 pieces on top of the 4 x 10 piece so that they are upright as opposed to laying flat. This will mean that they don't actually attach to any circles. Instead, they will rest in between the circles. You will want to attach them on either side so that there is one row of circles exposed on the 4 x 10 brick.
Place one rubber band across the width of the entire combination and center it.
Slide the final 2 x 12 piece in under the rubber band so that it rests on the top edges of the other two 2 x 12 pieces. It should look like a rectangular box on top of the device.
Wrap a second rubber band around the entire device as you did with the first rubber band. Be sure that the rubber band is positioned so that you can see four circles on the end of the top 2 x 12 piece. Complete this step on the other end of the device as well with another rubber band.
Attach a 2 x 4 piece to the end of the 2 x 12 brick. At this point you can attach it to either end of the 2 x 12 piece as the device is identical on both ends. Attach it horizontally so that the four center circles on the 2 x 4 attach to the four exposed circles on the end of the 2 x 12.
Attach the 3 2 x 2 pieces on the bottom to create the handle. You want to attach these pieces to the opposite end from where you just attached the 2 x 4 piece. Attach two 2 x 2 pieces side by side and the third on the center of the first two.
Wrap one end of the large rubber band around the 2 x 4 brick. To visualize the right way to do this, hold the gun by the handle that you just attached. Hook the rubber band around the 2 x 4 brick so that you are able to pull the band forward, away from the gun as opposed to back toward yourself.
Wrap the rubber band around the bottom of the gun and up so that the rubber band hooks onto the back of the three 2 x 12 pieces that form the box.
Place a marker, pen or pencil in the hollow part of the box that was created by the three 2 x 12 pieces. Push the item back so that it pushes on the end with the elastic and pulls the rubber band taut. Pull the projectile back as far as you can, holding onto the gun either from the bottom or from the handle, and release to fire.