Download Instructions
Navigate to the Building Instructions page on the LEGO website by clicking the "Building Instructions" link at the bottom of the page.
Enter "7477" in the "Quick Finder" field and click "Submit." The number 7477 is the product code of the Dino Attack T-1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex set.
Download the building instructions that appear in the results. The instructions are in PDF format.
Overview of the Building Instructions
Sort the LEGO pieces into intuitive piles. Often sorting by color can be the most helpful.
Assemble the T-Rex and Pteranodon, then the mini figure and his accompanying gun. Set these aside to begin work on the helicopter.
Build the base structure of the helicopter using the long rigid black and dark gray pieces and attaching them with the small black shafts.
Put together the wings and side guns and attach them to the helicopter body.
Assemble the front cockpit and attach it to the helicopter body by attaching it onto the small black shafts.
Build up the body according to the instructions, then put together the rear tail and attach it to the body.
Assemble the rear propeller and attach it on the tail.
Build up the rest of the body, including the windows, then finish with the winches and grappling hook.
Add the landing gear on the bottom of the body, which you can use to roll the helicopter on the ground or on a table.
Assemble the main propeller and place it on the shaft on top of the body.