Download Instructions
Navigate to the Building Instructions webpage on the website by clicking the "Building Instructions" link at the bottom of the page.
Enter "7662" in the "Quick Finder" field, and click "Submit." The number 7662 is the product code of the Trade Federation MTT set.
Download both the building instructions that appear in the results. The set comes with two booklets, each in a separate PDF document.
Overview of the Building Instructions
Sort the Lego pieces into intuitive piles. Often sorting by color can be the most helpful.
Build the droids. There are 20 droids in the set, some with different colored bodies. This is the first step in the first set of instructions.
Put together the small, separate shuttle. This is comprised of smaller, standard Lego pieces, primarily in gray, dark gray and maroon colors.
Assemble the base structure of the ship. This is initially comprised of the long, rigid gray and dark gray pieces that are held together with the small black shafts fitting into the holes. Then larger flat pieces are laid over the structure to form the base.
Build up each layer, per the instructions, until you have reached the full height of the sides.
Assemble the rear part of the roof, and place it on top of the built-up body of the ship. Continue to build up the rear roof until it is complete.
Build the gun turrets, and fix them to the sides by fitting the small black shafts into the tan piece with the hole on either side. At this point, continue in the second instruction book.
Assemble the front part of the roof, and place it on the body. Continue to build up the front part of the roof until it completely covers the top opening.
Build the control center on top of the roof, including the fold-up lid.
Snap on the small, gray round pieces under the base onto the small gray shafts. These act as wheels for the MTT to roll on.
Assemble the droid rack.
Fold up the droids, fit them on the rack, and snap the rack into the retractable arm inside the body of the MTT.
Place the separate shuttle into the rear compartment of the MTT.
Assemble the battle droid, and place the rest of the droids into position on the MTT.