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How to Build a Toy Truck Shop

A truck shop is a busy spot where truckers find needed parts for their tucks and have their trucks repaired and serviced. An efficient toy truck shop will provide a waiting area with lots of chairs, restrooms and parking for the biggest rigs. The gas pumping station area of the complex must be equipped with diesel and gasoline pumps and long wide bays for hard-driving toy trucks. An experienced team of mechanics is ready and waiting at the truck shop.

Things You'll Need

  • Mat board
  • Mat knife
  • Shoebox
  • 3 gift boxes
  • 4 dollhouse chairs
  • Poster board
  • Six empty thread spools
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • Poster paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Toy trucks
  • Truck parts
  • Polymer clay
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    • 1

      Cut a piece of mat board to measure 3 feet long and 3 feet wide. Paint the mat board gray. Paint lines on the mat board for a parking area.

    • 2

      Paint a door and windows on the bottom of the shoebox. Paint a sign above the door that states something like "Tom's Truck Shop."

    • 3

      Turn the shoebox around and tape the box to the mat board. Place the dollhouse chairs inside the box at one end. Create a counter for the truck shop by cutting a 4-by-3-inch piece of poster board and folding it lengthwise in two places.

    • 4

      Place the thread spools in pairs in the shoebox to serve as truck lifts. Place the truck parts in the shop.

    • 5

      Paint two doors on the bottom of one gift box. Label the doors "Men" and "Women" for restrooms. Tape the box to the mat board.

    • 6

      Paint gasoline pumps on the bottom of one gift box and label them. Paint diesel pumps on the bottom of another gift box. Tape the boxes to the mat board, leaving room for the toy trucks.

    • 7

      Create the service men from the polymer clay. Bake the clay at 275 degrees in a kitchen oven for 30 minutes to harden.

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