Things You'll Need
Draw the plan for your house with the pen and paper. Start by assigning a scale for the diagram, something like 1/4-inch on the page represents 1 stud in bricks. Draw the basic shape of the house from several angles: front, back, sides.
Add features to the house that you want. Note not only the locations of doors and windows, but any other things, like a cupola or porch. Make a design that represents the house you want to build.
Pull out a base plate, and set it on your building surface.
Begin building the first row of bricks. Lay out the four walls of the house, or whatever shape the basic foundation is supposed to look like.
Lay a second row of bricks on top of this one. Offset the bricks on this row so they cover the gaps between bricks below. Offsetting the bricks makes the house stronger. Repeat this pattern, building up the house according to your design. Leave voids for the doors and windows or use specialized bricks to insert them.
Build some internal supports such as interior walls or columns. Cap off the first floor with flat plates. If you plan to make a second floor, repeat the process of building up the walls.
Build the roof using angled bricks. Follow the design plan for your house, and build support beams if you need them.