Flip over a thin gray LEGO piece two dots wide and eight dots long. Attach a thin black piece that is one dot wide and four dots long to the bottom of the gray piece so it looks like a T with one dot on each side.
Attach one wheel mount flush with the thin black piece so the prongs hang on either side of the gray piece. Attach the second wheel mount two dots further down on the gray piece. There should be one dot in front of this wheel mount and two dots between it and the first mount attached.
Flip the assembly over so the dots are facing upwards. Attach a single (one dot by one dot) translucent yellow piece to each side of the thin black piece that sticks out on the sides of the gray piece.
Attach the slanted white car hood to the top of the gray and yellow pieces so it is centered on the gray piece and flush with the end the yellow and black pieces are on. The slanted part should be oriented toward the yellow pieces while the flat part faces the rear of the car.
Set the first assembly aside and find the white car body. It is four dots wide and five dots long with a wheel well on either side, and a two by two hole in the middle.
Place a translucent, red single piece on each side of the rear of the car body. The rear is the side with one row of dots and the front is the side with two rows of dots.
Place thin black pieces, one dot wide and two dots long, on each side of the front of the car body.
Attach the car body to the gray piece from the first assembly. The red pieces should be on the opposite end of the slanted car hood. The car body itself should be centered on the frame so the wheel wells are aligned with the wheel mount prongs and the front of the body touches the car hood piece.
Place the steering wheel in the assembled frame. The back of it should touch the car hood piece while the wheel itself faces the interior of the car.
Place a thin black piece on each side of the car frame. They should be oriented longways over the wheel well with one dot over the red piece and one dot over the previously placed black one by two.
Place a single white dot on each side of the car frame. One side must touch the thin black piece just placed and the other side must touch the slanted car hood.
Pop the four wheels onto the wheel mount prongs. Place the windshield in front. The long sides of the windshield should extend toward the rear of the car.
Put the final two round, translucent blue pieces on each side of the top of the windshield.