Things You'll Need
Build the chassis out of some flat plates. The chassis of a go-kart is usually small. The length is rarely less than 1 1/2 times the width of the vehicle. If you have a specific set of wheels in mind, use this as a guide.
Attach the wheels to the chassis. Roll the vehicle base on the floor to ensure the wheels roll freely.
Attach the seat to the center of the vehicle. Place a steering wheel in front of the seat.
Place an engine---made out of pieces that look like an engine---behind the driver's seat. The engine block is the most important part and is usually placed on the center, over what would be the drive train.
Build two bumpers and install them on the front and back. Real go karts have thick rubber bumpers on the front and back to prevent damage to other karts or their drivers.
Place side rails on either side of the driver's seat. The best parts for this are 3-stud-long angle bricks because they fit the shape of a typical go-kart.
Add the race driver. Make a minifig (plastic figurine), and give him a helmet.