Things You'll Need
How to Build Your Own LEGO Town
Pick a large LEGO base plate. Although the small ones can be combined, it is easier to start with the large gray or green LEGO base plates. This will give each area a smoother look than by having many small base plates hooked together.
Create simple square or rectangular houses by layering the LEGOs the way a bricklayer does, overlapping all the pieces instead of building a wall straight up with the same-sized pieces on top of each other. This will keep each LEGO house or building more secure and the walls will not get knocked over as easily during play. Be sure to leave openings to fit the door and window pieces in, or for very simple houses, leave openings that represent the doors and windows, particularly if you have no door or window LEGO pieces. Make them tall enough for the LEGO figures to fit in the doorways and stand up inside. They should be small enough so 2 to 6 houses will fit on each base plate with space around them.
Build the roof on top of each house or building after the walls of the house or building are completed and have reached the height you like. The roof can be any size or shape. It can be a traditional pointed upside down V or any odd creation. You can add simple chimneys by making a small vertical stack of same-sized LEGO brick pieces.
Build additional small buildings in the town representing homes and businesses, a store, the fire station, a school, the post office, the library and so forth. Vary them so they do not all look the same. For instance, a fire station could be built in red LEGO bricks with a larger opening for a fire truck. A school could have a playground nearby and a parking lot.
Leave space between each building to use as roads and sidewalks.
Create one area as the town park by using trees and flowers. Then make small park benches, climbing structures and small flower gardens. Put the LEGO animals around the park.
Add LEGO people and details such as fences, light posts, bicycles or other special LEGO pieces, around each area to give it character.