Basic Designs
Geomags can be used to create any number of multi-faced geometric designs. With a two-dimensional model, you can create regular polygons with multifaceted faces. You can even stack these to make three-dimensional versions of the polygons. This is very useful for professions that use a lot of geometric and wire work, such as computer animations and modeling. Try creating geometry-within-geometry designs such as hexagons within dodecahedrons that use other shapes to connect. With even the base set of Geomags, the number of possible combinations is staggering.
Panel Support
Panels add another element to your Geomag collection. These are typically square or rectangular pieces found with some boxed Geomag gift sets. By adding panels, you can reinforce foundations and create right angles which can hold more weight. More advanced panels come in additional polygon shapes such as octagons and pentagons, which let you secure your rods and balls to create flowers and other creative artwork. Take care to ensure that your panels are securely set between the rods, as it is easy to dislodge them and collapse a construction if you are unwary.
Adding Other Toys
Many magnetic toy lines are compatible with the Geomag sets. Magnext and Supermag toys bring your Geomags to the next level with additional shapes and even motorized support. By combining the arches, polyhedrons and other shapes available from these sets, towering constructions become possible. Supermag toys are built with tower designs in mind and are very sturdy when building from a solid base. Construct your base of rods and panels from your Geomag collection and add the lighter weight Supermag connectors as your buildings rise. Use Magnext motors to add spinning and moving elements to bring your creations to life.