Things You'll Need
Lay many Lego pieces on the table in a variety of colors. Take one piece and lay the flat side down, the bumpy side up. Lay other pieces around it, side by side, flat sides down, and build a square about 5 inches by 5 inches.
Take other Lego pieces and connect the flat pieces together, overlapping in a perpendicular way until all the first layer of pieces are attached, making a second flat square. Since the pieces are interchangeable, it may take a bit of doing to find and fit just the right pieces to create the intended design.
Build up the edges around the square with a variety of Lego pieces to create four walls. Be sure to overlap the corner pieces to make the walls hold and bond them together. Build the walls up to about 5 inches. This makes a very practical and useful container to hold pens and pencils. It can also be a container to hold other Lego pieces just to play with.