Things You'll Need
Finding old Legos, piece by piece...
Visit you local thrift store. Legos do not exactly rise to the level of antiques, so it would probably be a waste to check such shops. A thrift store, however, more than likely gets toys donated, and a few of those donations might have included your favorite interlocking blocks.
Search yard sales. Since so many people have owned Legos at one point or another, the likelihood is pretty high that you'll find a few boxes at a local rummage sale or swap meet.
Search Ebay. The online auction site is a haven for old toys, and Legos are no exception.
Look on Craigslist. Though the selection might not be as expansive as Ebay's, you can find used toys such as Legos if you look through the site's classified ads. Don't forget to check the free section...someone could just be giving their old Legos away!
Network within a Lego community. Sites such as The Brothers Brick contain listings to numerous Lego blogs and web communities dedicated to interlocking bliss. Ask your new Lego friends if they'd be willing to part with some of their older pieces.