Mood Modes
The Roboraptor has three modes that represent a range of emotional moods. The first is the aggressive or "hunting" mode. In this setting, a roboraptor will snap at nearby fingers or obstacles and will chase and stalk sounds in its environment. In cautious mode, the robot will shy away from contact if anyone is attempting to touch the sensors in its head, tail, or mouth. Playful mode allows you to play games with your roboraptor and it will actually snuggle up to you. A fourth, free-roaming mode exists where your raptor will walk around the room, "checking out" various objects and sounds. Choose each mode based on the reaction you would like your Roboraptor to display.
Playing Games
In playful mode, you can tickle and play games with your Roboraptor. The strong, articulated jaws will hold a rope so you can emulate tug of war and other pulling games. While the raptor does not move fast, you can use free-roam settings for hide and seek and other movement-based play. While the Roboraptor performs movements on its own; use the controller provided to make it perform a variety of functions such as silly dances, chase family members and pets or anything else you can think of.
There is a second type of Roboraptor available on the market today. Sadly, it does not possess either mood modes or much in the way of playing ability. The "mini-raptor" does not include a controller. It is a battery-operated toy that can limp along in a humorous fashion, but lacks most of the features the larger model enjoys. While it may be fun to walk the raptor off of or into objects, it does not have many features beyond those of a simple wind-up toy. It is a cute collectible, but for the interactive features mentioned above, you will want to purchase the larger WowWee Roboraptor model.