Digimon came into existence in 1997 as a virtual pet toy. It was created to rival the Tamagotchi series of toys, and was marketed towards young boys. The toy was a large success, and an anime was soon created around the toy. The anime premiered in Japan in 1999, and was quickly dubbed for American audiences. The anime ran for five seasons, and spawned eight made for TV movies. Several Digimon games were produced during this period, including several entries in the Digimon Battle and Digimon World series.
The Digimon media series is significant as it is a product of the pocket monster craze of the late nineties. It was also one of the emerging Japan-made television shows that introduced the "anime" format to young viewers. The Digimon TV series still airs on the Disney-affiliated Jetix network.
The Digimon media and merchandise has several components, including toys, cards, games, television shows and movies. Digimon toys consist of both virtual pet toys and action figures based on the anime. The virtual pet toys remain in production in Japan, but were discontinued in the United States. Some action figures based on dubbed anime are available in the U.S., and are specific to the region. Digimon cards are sold in booster and starter packs, much like Pokemon cards. Each card features a creature, and can be used in play or collected. Cards are still in circulation in the United States and are a common fixture at collectible card shops. Video games based on the Digimon series have been very popular, and can take the form of either a stadium battle format, or an enhanced virtual pet form. The most recent Digimon game was Digimon World Championship, released in summer 2008 for the Nintendo DS. TV and movies based on Digimon are still aired on U.S. television, although no new seasons are being produced. Rumors of a ninth Digimon movie have surface, but these are as yet unfounded.
Time Frame
The Digimon franchise has been around for almost 11 years. However, its popularity has waned since the anime series was discontinued in 2004. Still, Digimon games have been produced on an annual basis, and have been keeping the the series alive since its popularity has faded. The Digimon series hit a popularity zenith between 1999 and 2001, when sales of the toy and game lines were strong and the anime series was being shown in regular syndication.
Although many believe the Digimon series has lost its relevance and is on its way out, many believe that the series is poised for a comeback. Rumors of a ninth Digimon movie and a new TV series permeate the Internet, and many fans note the continuing game releases as evidence that the series is setting itself up for a comeback.