Check the manufacturer's website for coupons. Baby Alive coupons can regularly be found on Hasbro's official website.
Check regularly for Hasbro coupons for Baby Alive in newspapers, magazines and coupon mailings. While randomly coming across a coupon for a specific product like this is difficult, it's not impossible.
Check for online Baby Alive coupons on popular coupon resource websites. You can search for coupon codes you can use online or coupons you can print and use in a store.
Attend local coupon swap meets in your area. They are often advertised through flyers, in newspapers, online and by local community organizations.
Use coupon swap and exchange websites. You can search the boards or post a message yourself saying that you're looking for Baby Alive coupons.
Ask your friends, neighbors, coworkers and relatives if they happen to have any Baby Alive coupons they're not going to use. If you know any committed coupon clippers, ask them to keep an eye out for Baby Alive coupons to clip and give to you.