Things You'll Need
Cut the foot part of the sock away from the ankle part. Tube socks work the best for this project. Cut the ankle part of the sock so it measures 5 inches long.
Lay the sock piece onto a flat and clean surface.
Place a ruler along the width of the sock. Mark the front and the back of the sock, with a pen or pencil, two inches from the top of the sock. Pinch the fabric at one of the markings, and snip a small hole into the sock to create a circle. Do this with the marking on the other side. These will be the arm holes.
Place the sock over a clean can to hold the sock shirt. Fold over the top one inch of the sock and pin down the fold with straight pins.
Thread your needle with colored thread that matches the sock. Sew down the middle of the fold with a straight stitch. Unpin the straight pins and remove the sock shirt from the can.
Sew on two or three tiny buttons down the front of the shirt.