Things You'll Need
Divide a clean string mop head into four sections. Create two skinny and two thick sections. The two skinny sections should be on the outside of the four sections, since they will form the doll's arms.
Braid one of the skinny sections. Do the same for the other skinny section. Fasten each braid at the end with a string or piece of yarn to complete the arms.
Fasten a piece of yarn or string around the two thick sections about halfway down the mop head, clumping them together. The part above the yarn or string will form the doll's torso. At the lower-end of the inner section, re-separate the two thick sections to form legs. Braid each section separately and tie them off as you did on the arms.
Cut a piece of cardboard about 6-by-2 inches. Wrap a continuous piece of yarn around the longest side of the cardboard. Continue wrapping until you've used about 30 yards of yarn.
Snip the loops at one end of the cardboard, leaving you with multiple strings of yarn. Snip the other end of the loops, which divides the strings into two sections.
Clump the two cut sections of string together to form one large mass. Make sure all the strings are running in the same direction.
Wrap a piece of yarn around the clump of strings, fastening it in the middle of the clump with a knot to create a pompom head for the doll.
Glue the pompom to the mop head doll, centered between the arms with either craft glue or a hot glue gun.
Affix eyes to the pompom head using glue. Use googly eyes for a quirky look or beads for a more folksy appearance.
Create clothing for the mop-head doll by tying a handkerchief around her torso. Add a doily around the doll's shoulders to create a shawl. Other options include using scraps of fabric to create skirts and tops or use premade doll clothing to dress the toy. Of course, the doll doesn't have to a girl. Find the right clothes to complete the doll you envision.