Things You'll Need
Comb the hair repeatedly with the brush or wide-bristled comb first. When it's easy to pull the wide comb through the hair, brush it again the fine comb. Comb for about 30 minutes or until combing no longer seems to have a straightening effect.
Wet the doll's hair then apply a small amount of conditioner to your fingertips and rub it into the wet hair. Comb it again while it's wet. Let it air dry.
Lay the doll on her side and place the hair between the pages of a heavy, hardcover book. Weigh down the book with a couple of additional books and leave it in place overnight.
Boil a pot of water and hold the doll's hair in the steam issuing from the top. Let the heat and moisture relax the hair. Comb the hair again while it's moist and warm.
Press the hair between two sheets of paper. Roll a hot curling iron over the paper and let the heat permeate it. Check the hair frequently and stop your work as soon as it is straight. Too much heat could melt it.