Log onto Wild Planet's web site. Select the "Help Center" link located at the top of the page.
Select the "Find Help" link located under the toy help section. Scroll down and select the "Water Babies" logo from the list of products and then select the "Water Babies" link located on the right side of the computer screen. This will take you to the help page for the Water Babies doll.
Click the "Contact Us" button. Fill out the contact form. Enter your first and last name, your mailing address, your phone number and your email address. Choose the month and year you purchased the toy, and from where.
Select the general issue from the drop down list "Customer- Lost Part." Type "I would like to order a replacement funnel for my Water Baby." Also include whether it is an original-size doll or the newborn baby. Let the customer service agent know how you wish to be contacted--by phone or email--so they will know how to reach you regarding the replacement funnel.