Things You'll Need
Fold the 3/4-inch ribbon in half with the right sides together. Stitch along the fold 1/16 inch from the fold. Place the ribbon around your doll's head with the seam in front. Bring the ends of the ribbon together at the back of your doll's head, with the bottom edge of the ribbon at the nape of her neck. This style of hat sits back on the head.
Pin ends of the ribbon together, being careful not to catch the doll's hair in the pin. Gently remove the ribbon. Cut off the excess ribbon leaving a 1/4-inch seam allowance on each side. Fold the cut edges of the ribbon to the inside, along the seam allowance, and sew the ends of the ribbon together. This creates a circular hat.
Cut the corners off the fabric square to form a roughly circular shape. Sew a row of basting stitches around the edge of the circle, 1/4 inch from the edge. Pull up the gathering stitches until the edges of the circle fit into the circle of ribbon. Lay the gathered circle on a table, right side up. Place the ribbon circle over the fabric circle. Pull the center of the fabric up into the ribbon circle, so that it forms the top of the hat. Be careful not to pull the edges of the circle out of the ribbon ring.
Turn the hat over and pin the gathered edges of the circle around the inside of the hat. Adjust the gathers to fit. Stitch the gathered edges of the top of the hat to the sides of the hat, on the inside. The fabric will pouf out the top of the hat just a bit. If it looks like a chef's hat, insert the edges of the fabric deeper into the ribbon circle.
Tie the narrow ribbon into a small bow with long streamers. Stitch the bow to the back of the hat.