Things You'll Need
Make a Porcelain Doll
Purchase a porcelain doll kit that is suitable for a beginning doll artist. Choose a kit with pre-painted porcelain doll parts and a muslin body.
Turn muslin body inside out. Place arms and legs inside muslin body in proper position. The hands should lay across the chest with the hands pointed toward each other. The legs should be toes facing up toward the head and the upper thigh in the leg pocket of the muslin body.
Apply hot glue to each arm and leg piece and place it in the appropriate arm or leg pocket of the muslin body. Let glue cool. Wrap each arm and leg flange several times with thin gauge wire. Knot, tie off and cut with wire cutters. Turn cut end of wire into flange with pliers so it does not stick through the muslin.
Turn muslin body right-side out carefully. Be careful to not hit the porcelain arms and legs together. Stuff the muslin body with fiberfill batting.
Attach the doll head by applying hot glue to the neck flange. Place flange at the base of the head in the neck opening of the muslin body. Allow glue to cool. Double-thread a needle with heavy duty thread and proceed to gather the fabric around the neck area to attach the head and close the muslin body. Pull thread taut. Wrap the thread around the neck flange several times. Knot, tie off and cut thread.
Glue doll wig to top of doll&'s head with white glue or craft glue. Position wig. Allow glue to dry completely before styling. Dress doll as desired.
Make a Wooden Doll
Measure and mark a wooden broom stick and cut a 12 inch piece. Set the rest of the broom stick aside for another project.
Measure the cut broomstick and mark 4 inches down from the top. Carve a line around the wooden broomstick to define the neck and head. Measure and mark 6 inches down from the top of cut broomstick; this will be where the arms will be positioned. Measure 1 inch from the bottom to position the legs.
Cut two dowel rods 4 inches long for the arms. Drill a hole through near the top of the dowel rods. Pass twine through the holes and through the body. Tie off. Cut dowel rod 6 inches for the legs. Repeat process used for the legs.
Paint details for face, body, arms and legs. Use flesh-colored acrylic paint to paint face, neck, head and body. Paint eyebrows in light brown acrylic with a fine-tipped artist&'s brush. Make tiny fine feathery lines to imitate hair. Use white paint to create eyes. Add colored irises and black pupils. Add tiny speckles of color to the black pupils to add dimension. Check to see that pupils are facing the same direction. When paint is dry, add a dab of acrylic glossy varnish to the eyes. Outline eyes with brown paint and a fine tipped artist&'s brush. Add lashes.
Mix a wash of pink acrylic and water. Apply pink wash with a sponge to cheeks as blush. Paint lips with pink acrylic. Add nose and nostrils with light brown paint and a fine tipped artist&'s brush.
Paint on underwear, socks and shoes.
Create a wig from a shank of mohair curls. Glue curls to top of cut broomstick and style when dry. Dress doll as desired.