Things You'll Need
Select a pattern or make your own. Fabric stores and online sources offer a variety of inexpensive and free mermaid doll patterns. Modify a regular doll pattern by replacing legs with fishtail. Refer to images of mermaids to design the tail. Copy front and back pattern pieces then remove legs and attach tail to pattern pieces. Make your own pattern by drawing a mermaid on paper. This pattern will produce a simple but personalized doll.
Select fabrics and embellishments. Be creative by cutting up old clothing and accessories to recycle fabric. Recycled embellishments for your mermaid might include costume jewelry, old lace, or hair from a well-loved doll from the attic. Mermaid dolls often wear "bikini" tops made of eye-catching fabric. Tails might be shiny green, turquoise, silver, or gold. Consider selecting beads and sequins to incorporate into your mermaid's look. Yarn and embroidery floss for hair can be found at craft stores.
Pin pattern to fabric. Cut fabric. If you make your own pattern, cut 2 copies, reversing the pattern so that you have a front and a back. If you want to make the body and tail from different fabrics, cut pattern and fabric accordingly, including a 1/4" seam allowance to attach body to tail.
Sew pattern pieces with right sides together leaving opening to turn right-side out. Press seams. If you use metallic or other synthetic fabric, use a pressing cloth to avoid burning fabric. Turn right-side out. Press. Stuff. Sew opening closed.
Embellish mermaid. Add hair, eyes, nose, mouth, and other details using yarn, beads, embroidery floss, and fabric paint. Mermaids often have scaled tails. Try fabric paint to replicate this look.