Things You'll Need
Control dust accumulation on your collectible doll by making it a routine to vacuum the doll or collection every couple of months. Place a pantyhose leg over the hose attachment of a vacuum cleaner, securing it with a rubber band, and vacuum the doll, the wig and the clothing. This is usually enough to freshen most dolls.
Display your doll in a closed cupboard or curio out of direct sunlight. Acrylic or glass display boxes that protect the doll from dust and elements is a good option.
Control musty or other odors by placing the doll in a large, zipper bag with a box of baking soda that has a few holes punched into it. The baking soda will absorb odors such as must, mildew, smoke and most others without you having to undress or otherwise disturb the doll. Leave the doll in the bag for two weeks and then inspect her for odors. Repeat for longer if necessary.
Spot-clean minor soiled areas on hard dolls such as porcelain, plastic, wood and composition with an art gum eraser by gently rubbing the soiled area with the eraser. Avoid facial paint.
Spot-clean vinyl, plastic and porcelain dolls with a clean cloth and a nickel-sized spot of Woolite or baby shampoo added to the damp cloth. Avoid facial paint. Spot-cleaning clothes in this manner can also clean small soiled areas on the fabric.