External Repairs
Many doll owners are satisfied with simply restoring the external appearance of Thumbelina. Vinyl parts and fabric body can be gently washed. Clean the vinyl parts with a mild detergent. A bit of stain stick can be applied on cotton swabs to remove stubborn stains like ink. The new cleaning erasers, such as Magic Eraser, are good at stains that aren't in the facial region. Cleaning erasers will take the paint from the face. Wash the doll's hair with a mild shampoo and use a normal conditioner. Dry well. After time the material used to create the doll hair breaks down and only re-rooting the hair will solve the problem. Use a bonnet to cover up unsightly hair. Stains on the fabric body can be spot cleaned with stain stick and a slight scrub with a wet cloth. Use a deodorizing product such as Febreze to banish musty odors.
Minimal Internal Repairs
A common problem in old Thumbelinas is the breakdown of stuffing. Pop a few seams at the neck and remove the old stuffing with tweezers. Replace with new cotton or polyester fiber fill stuffing. Don't overfill. Doll should not be rigid.
Extensive Repairs to Internal Mechanisms
Repairing the mechanisms inside Thumbelina is more labor intensive. Replacement mechanisms must be purchased from a doll repair supplier. Replacing the crier or wiggler requires the removal of Thumbelina's head. You must remove the wire around the neck tie, the wood or metal base within and the non-operational mechanisms. Replace with new mechanisms, replace base within head and restaple the neck tie. Mend any popped seams.
Replacing Missing Clothing
Thumbelina original clothing can be purchased at antique stores and through advertisements in doll magazines. Online auction sites also can be a treasure trove of original vintage doll clothing. Many patterns were created for Thumbelina and dolls in the appropriate sizes and can be purchased at resale shops, fabric stores and online auction sites. Thumbelina's value increases with the addition of original vintage Thumbelina clothing.