MGA Entertainment launched Bratz dolls in June 2001 with four original characters: Cloe, Yasmin, Sasha and Jade. Their skin tones, eyes and hair color have varied across collections, and the dolls' designers purposely kept their ethnic backgrounds ambiguous to broaden their appeal.
Following the success of the original dolls, MGA Entertainment expanded the Bratz character universe to more than 50 different girls. The company in 2002 also introduced the Bratz Boyz, beginning with Cameron and Dylan and eventually expanding to 10 boys overall.
Bratz Girlz and Bratz Boyz characters from 2001 to 2009 appeared in more than 100 lines with different outfits and styles, including younger versions of the characters in lines such as Babyz, Kidz and Lil' Angelz. Bratz also produced a line of Bratz Petz from 2004 through 2006, but discontinued them due to a lack of popularity.
Fun Fact
MGA Entertainment named original Bratz characters Yasmin and Cameron after Jasmin and Cameron Larian, children of company president Isaac Larian. Both characters appear in virtually every Bratz collection, with Jasmin appearing more often than any other character.
Rare Characters
The doll forms of a few Bratz characters appear in very limited quantities. These include male twins Zack and Alek, sold only by online retailers in Germany and Scandinavia in 2006, and Kiana, a female character discontinued after her only appearance, in the Wild Wild West collection, because of a trademark issue with Mattel.