To admit a doll, download a hospital admittance form from, complete the form, and ship the doll and appropriate fees to the address provided.
Reattachments and Eye Replacements
For a head or limb reattachment, provide all pieces when shipping your doll. The fee for either service as of 2009 is $24, as is the cost of eye replacement.
New Head or Body
For a new head or body, ship all old pieces. Cost for either as of 2009 is $39. Heads can be replaced only with the same American Girl.
Replacing Torso or Limbs
If your doll needs either its torso or limbs replaced, the cost as of 2009 is $29.
Wellness Visit
Whether chosen as the only service or added to a repair, the cost for a wellness visit as of 2009 was $24 and includes cleaned skin and brushed hair.
Discharge from the Hospital
All dolls, including those getting a wellness visit, are discharged within two weeks and shipped home with a hospital gown, certificate of good health, get-well balloon and ID bracelet.