Things You'll Need
Dust the doll with a vacuum cleaner. Wrap nylon net across the end of the vacuum hose and secure with rubber bands. Be careful during this step if your doll is made of silk.
Sew a liner for the body. With the stuffing removed, use the old body to make a pattern. Fill this new body with the old stuffing. Gently place the new body inside the old body.
Stiffen a weak neck. Open the stitches of the neck and make a hole in the stuffing. Slide a tube (paper towel tube or other appropriate size) into the hole. Smooth any lumps and sew the neck closed again.
Lighten any mildew stains. If the material is soap-safe, apply soap to the stain and place in bright sun. The stain will lighten over time.
Remove any rust stains. Use a solution of four teaspoons of cream of tartar in one pint of water. Soak the material overnight for heavy stains, or just dip for light stains.
Erase any burn marks with vinegar. Apply vinegar with a clean cloth. When burn mark has rubbed out, rinse the material with water. Run over the material with a warm iron.