Select Japanese Anime Dolls
Watch some anime on television to get an idea of what dolls you would like to have. While not every anime program will have an accompanying line of dolls, the majority will.
Head to eBay to look for anime dolls representing your favorite anime programs. People often have entire collections of anime dolls for sale on eBay, making it a great resource, particularly for hard to find dolls.
Visit your local comic book store. Comic book stores usually carry anime-based comics and even videos. Some also carry a small selection of anime dolls.
Find an online source for anime dolls. Many Web sites that sell Japanese products also sell anime dolls. One Web site that focuses on anime dolls exclusively is
Attend a comic book convention. Your local newspaper will have listings in the Living section whenever conventions come to your area. Because anime and comic books are so intertwined, anime dolls are often sold by vendors at comic book conventions. Other than eBay, a comic book convention is where you will invariably find the biggest selection of anime dolls in one place.
Select appropriate Japanese anime dolls for children. There are a few anime programs for children, such as Inuyasha and Pokemon. If your child enjoys these programs, a small selection of plush dolls for these programs does exist. Find Inuyasha dolls online at