Things You'll Need
Tape the bottle to the cardboard square using strips of masking tape. Attach the tape strips near the top of the bottle, taking care not to block the opening. Extend the tape approximately 3/4 of the way to the edge of the cardboard and secure. Allow some variation in tape strip lengths to create a more natural shape.
Mix equal parts flour and water in a large bowl and dip newspaper strips into the mixture. Young children usually love the messiness of this step. Run the strips between thumb and forefinger to remove excess paste. Place the paper strips on top of the masking tape strips, continuing until the whole "volcano" is covered with papier-mache. Let dry overnight.
Paint the volcano with nontoxic paint, such as poster paint. Shades of green and brown make a more realistic-looking volcano, and the children might want to add red "lava" accents.
Pour 1 cup of vinegar, plus 10 drops of red food dye, into the bottle opening using a funnel. Measure 4 tbsp. of baking soda into a small bowl or spouted measuring cup. Pour the baking soda into the volcano and enjoy the eruption, as well as the children's amazed faces.