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How to Change LED Wording on a T808 Mini-Fan

Handheld mini-fans that cool off sports spectators or visitors to theme parks on hot days are designed to get attention. Light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, have added a new twist to the spectacle. Someone got the idea to add LEDs to the blades of the mini-fan that are capable of spelling out messages in light. T808 refers to the LED, not the fan. T indicates a Tube LED, 8 refers to the size of the tube and the final 08 refers to the 8 watts of consumption power.


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      Turn the fan on. Locate the center button and press and hold that button for more than two seconds. You will see a flashing cursor in the lighted portion of the fan blades.

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      Write out the message you want to display and cross off each letter as you add it. This may seem mundane, but, on these fans, you don't always get to see the last letter you entered or the progress you are making until you have entered the entire message. If you misspelled any word or missed a letter on the message, you will have to start again from the beginning.

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      Press the top button on the fan and hold it. Note that the LED display will scroll through the letters of the alphabet. When the first letter in the first word of your message appears, press the center button. The cursor will then move to the right, where you can continue typing the message in this way.

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      Add spaces between words by scrolling through the alphabet to the end character past the letter "Z." You will see a square cursor; this is your "space" key. Press the center button to enter the space. Continue adding letters to the message until it is complete.

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      Add numbers or symbols by pressing the bottom button twice and scrolling through the numbers and symbols as you did the alphabet. Press the center button once the message is complete. This will save the message into memory, which is usually only large enough to store one message.

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