Create a white cross. Place the side with the white center piece on top, and bring all the white side centerpieces to the top surface so you have a white cross. Each white cross piece on the edge has another color attached to it. Bring the pieces to the top in this order: blue, orange, green and red. Make sure the colors of the sides of these white cross pieces also match up with their respective center pieces.
Solve the white corners of the puzzle. Keep in mind that each white corner piece will have two other colors that you will also have to line up with their respective sides. Keep the white side of the puzzle facing up and locate one of the corner pieces that you need to bring to the top. Rotate the cube until this corner piece is directly underneath the corner where it needs to go, and rotate the entire cube until it is on the lower right side of the face facing you. To get it into its location, turn the right face toward you once, the bottom face counterclockwise once, the right face away from you once and then the bottom face clockwise once. You might need to repeat the sequence two or three time to get the desired result. When you are finished with each corner, each of the side colors should have a short "T" shape.
Flip the cube over so the completed white layer is on the bottom. Select one side to work with first, and rotate the top layer until you have an upside-down "T" of the same color. Make sure the top square does not have yellow on it. Your goal is to get the top center piece to the left or the right of the center piece on that side, depending on the other color. If you need to move the piece to the right: turn the top face clockwise once, the right face clockwise once, the top face counterclockwise followed by the right face counterclockwise, the top face counterclockwise once again, the front face counterclockwise once and the top face clockwise followed by the front face clockwise. To move the piece to the left: move the top face counterclockwise, the left face counterclockwise, the top face clockwise, the left face clockwise, the top face clockwise, the front face clockwise, the top face counterclockwise and finally the front face counterclockwise. Complete this on all four sides.
Create a cross on the yellow face. You do not need to worry about exactly matching up the side colors of the yellow pieces with their respective centers until you completely solve the puzzle.
Move the yellow corners into place. Twist the top face around until at least two of the corners are in the right position. If the two correct corners are diagonal from each other, turn the cube so one of the correct corners is in the back left and do this sequence: right face counterclockwise, front face clockwise, right face counterclockwise, back face clockwise twice, right face clockwise, front face counterclockwise, right face counterclockwise, back face clockwise twice, right face clockwise twice and the top face counterclockwise. Do the same sequence until all four corners are in the right place.
Line up the center yellow edge pieces with their respective color sides to complete the Rubik's Cube puzzle. If at least one edge is already correct, turn the entire cube so it is on the far edge of the cube, away from you. Then look at the other three edge pieces to determine whether they need to move clockwise or counterclockwise to be in the correct position. If none of the edges is correct, do the clockwise sequence of moves once, and assess the situation from there. To turn the edge pieces clockwise: turn the front face clockwise twice, top face clockwise once, left face clockwise once, right face counterclockwise once, front face clockwise twice, left face counterclockwise, right face clockwise, top face clockwise and the front face clockwise twice. To turn the edge pieces counterclockwise: turn the front face clockwise twice, the top face counterclockwise, left face clockwise, right face counterclockwise, front face clockwise twice, left face counterclockwise, right face clockwise, top face counterclockwise, and the front face clockwise twice. Repeat these sequences as many times as necessary until the puzzle is solved.