Things You'll Need
Place a coin in the slot of the battery compartment screw and turn it to the right to tighten the battery compartment. If the battery compartment is loose the batteries may not connect and provide the power needed to operate the Leapster.
Loosen the battery compartment screw with a coin and slide the battery tray out of the bottom of the Leapster. Check that all of the batteries are inserted into the compartment in the right direction. Rub a pencil eraser over the battery contacts to remove any dirt or debris. Reinsert the battery compartment and tighten the screw. If the Leapster still does not turn on, replace the batteries.
Pull any game cartridges out of the Leapster and press the "B," "Hint" and "Home" buttons simultaneously to start the touchscreen calibration. Press the "A" button when the message "Press the 'A' Button to Begin" appears on the screen. Follow the onscreen instructions to recalibrate the touchscreen. You should recalibrate the touchscreen if the objects you press on the screen are not selected or if lines you draw on the screen do not follow the pen tip.