Hold the puzzle vertically, with the square shaped piece imprinted with the diagram of the square intersecting the circle on top.
Rotate the top piece so that the diagram shows the straight edge on the bottom and the circular edge on top.
Rotate the next black rectangular piece so that it forms an right-sided star with the top piece. Repeat this with all subsequent black blocks and move the wood-colored blocks in line with the top piece. At the end of this all blocks should be in line with their respective colors.
Rotate the bottom piece so that the imprinted diagram is on top and the writing on the bottom. Lift the top piece and notice the square peg attached to it.
Rotate the subsequent blocks if required until the metal knobs on the base are in line with their respective notches on the wooden blocks. Remove each block from the base. Once you remove six blocks, retrieve the scroll to gain a clue for the next puzzle in the series.