Rubber Band Size
You can conduct an experiment to determine if the type of rubber band determines how far the airplane with travel. Gather several rubber bands in a variety of sizes; look for thick-banded rubber bands as well as long and thin rubber bands. Test each type of rubber band by twisting the airplane̵7;s propeller until it cannot be twisted anymore. Release the airplane into the air, and then record the distance traveled by the airplane.
Take-off Height
Young scientists can conduct experiments to determine if the airplane̵7;s take-off height correlates to the distance traveled by the rubber band airplane. First test the rubber band airplane by setting it on the ground and measuring the total distance traveled. Repeat the test, raising the airplane̵7;s take-off height by two or three feet for each test. Analyze the results to see if there is any correlation between the take-off height and the total distance traveled. Estimate the distance traveled for the next height in the sequence.
Consider testing the airplane at a consistent take-off height, but varying the angle at which it takes off. Use a protractor to determine the angel of the airplane̵7;s incline. Compare the distance to the angle to determine the optimal angle for take-off.
Airplane Weight
Determine if the airplane̵7;s weight affects the distance the airplane travels. First test an unweighted airplane, and record the total distance traveled. Then tape a penny to the center of the airplane and retest several more times. Analyze the results to try and predict the next total flight distance when you add another penny to the airplane.
Types of Airplanes
Does one particular type of airplane perform better than another? Test several different types of rubber band powered airplanes, such as balsa wood or foam, side by side. Consider testing the total distance traveled to take into account any minor variables, such as winder, number of times the rubber band was rotated or the height of the take-off. Analyze the results to determine which type of airplane performs better.