Things You'll Need
Book Safe
Open the book to about page 20. Mark about 1 inch in from the edges of the book so that you can draw a rectangle on this page.
Cut the rectangle out with your utility knife. Cut a few pages at a time. Keep cutting this rectangle out until you remove all but about the last 20 pages of the book. The inside pages will form a void in the book that you can use to store things.
Hide things inside the book, and place it on a shelf. A hiding space is referred to by spies as a "slick." There is a trade-off with hiding spaces. The more difficult it is to find, the harder it is to access in a crisis.
Invisible Ink
Plan a secret message that you only want your colleagues to find. Use a coded message just to be safe, but use a code your associates can break.
Cut the lemon in half, and squeeze the juice out onto a dish.
Dip your toothpick in the lemon juice and use it to write your secret message. Wait for the message to dry. You’ll notice the lemon juice actually “disappears.”
Pass the code on to your friend. Have her hold the paper over a lit candle to reveal the code. Do not hold the paper too close to the candle to avoid catching it on fire.
Wash out the dishes and dispose of all your evidence.
Fingerprint Powder
Light a candle and hold one of your shallow dishes over the flame so that a black film forms on the dish.
Scrape the black film off of the dish, into another dish. Repeat this process a few times until you have about a teaspoon of black powder.
Measure out a teaspoon of corn starch. Mix that in with the black dust so that it forms a very fine powder.
Use a make-up brush to spread some of this powder over an area you suspect has fingerprints on it. Continue until you find a clean and clear fingerprint.
Put some packing tape over the suspect fingerprint and lift the packing tape up straight off, cleanly, so that it preserves the fine details of the fingerprint. Place this tape on an index card quickly so there&'s less of a chance to smudge it. You now have a fingerprint to compare with a suspect&'s fingerprint.