Audio Surveillance
Locate an area your targets will be having their important conversations in.
Plant the digital audio recorder in an area where the recorder will be able to hear the targets but not be seen by anyone. The device will need to be fully charged and empty of stored recordings. You don't want to the recorder to cut out in the middle of the conversation.
Approach the door or a narrow wall outside the room, if you can do so without being spotted. Hold the bottom of a drinking glass against the door and place your ear inside the glass. You will be able to overhear the conversation inside without the aid of a listening device.
Retrieve the recorder, if you were able to plant it.
Listen to all of the recorded material. This is one of the more boring parts of spy work, but you need to process all of the audio to make sure you have all of the information from it.
Intelligence Gathering
Sneak into the target's area, only when it's safe to do so, and take photographs of any sensitive materials you can find. Take these photos quickly, as the longer you're in the target area, the more you risk being seen.
Make some fingerprint powder. Light a candle and hold one of the porcelain dishes over the flame until it causes some soot to appear on the dish. Scrape this soot off. Repeat until you have collected about a half teaspoon of soot.
Measure out some starch powder, about the same amount as the soot you have. Mix the two powders together.
Lightly brush the fingerprinting powder you've created over an object you suspect may have your target's fingerprints on it. Look for a good, solid fingerprint on the object.
Place some packing tape over the fingerprint and gently remove the tape so it preserves the print. Tape the print down onto an index card.
Hiding Places
Hide hard copies of the information that you've collected. You can either save the information until the heat dies down or perform a "dead drop" by leaving it somewhere for a pre-arranged pick-up by another person.
Build a book safe if you don't have anywhere else to hide the material. Take an old hardcover book, several hundred pages long, that no one's going to read again, and open it about 20 to 30 pages in.
Measure in 1-inch from all edges of the page. Draw a rectangle on the page, and cut out that rectangle with the utility knife.
Repeat that cut on all pages below the one you've just cut. Leave the last 20 to 30 pages intact. This creates a secure void in the book in which you can store items such as photos or a USB memory stick.
Hide the book in a bookshelf with other, similar-looking books. Dust and clean all of the books to make sure people can't find the most recently disturbed book.