Things You'll Need
Make sure the Leapster is turned off with no cartridge in the unit. The cartridge dock is located on the top of the unit.
Turn on the unit. Wait for the "sign in" screen to appear. That screen prompts the player to enter his name.
Immediately after the screen appears, hold down the ̶0;Home,̶1; ̶0;Hint̶1; and ̶0;B̶1; buttons at the same time for about three seconds. Release the buttons. The ̶0;Hint̶1; button has a question mark on it. The ̶0;Home̶1; button has a house on it.
The screen will change and give you several options. Press the ̶0;A̶1; button for the ̶0;touch calibration̶1; option.
The screen will now display a set of crosshairs. Touch the tip of the stylus pen to each of the crosshairs. This will calibrate the unit.
Restart the device. The stylus pen should respond properly. If the stylus pen does not calibrate the first time, repeat steps 2 through 6.