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Instructions for Read With Me DVD

Fisher-Price created the Read With Me DVD system to help children learn to read. The system connects to your DVD player and uses question and answer games as a teaching tool. In order to properly use the Read With Me DVD, you need to program the controller to work with your DVD player and learn what buttons operate the system.
  1. Controller Setup

    • The Read With Me DVD controller is used by your child to answer questions posed during the playback of a DVD. In order for the controller to work, you need to program it to operate with your DVD player. To program the controller, turn off the DVD player and press the "ON" button on the Read With Me DVD controller. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw at the bottom of the Read With Me DVD controller and pull off the cover. Place the DVD remote control and the Read With Me DVD controller on a flat surface with the front of each controller facing each other. The controllers should sit about 3 inches apart from each other.

      You will hear voice prompts from the Read With Me DVD controller, which instruct you to press certain buttons on the DVD remote control unit. Press the corresponding button on the remote control only after the green indicator light turns on the Read With Me DVD controller. Make sure you hold down the button on the remote control until the green light turns off. If you make a mistake, place the cover back on the Read With Me DVD controller and pull it off again to restart the process.

      Replace the cover when you are done and reinsert the screw. You should test the controller to ensure the connection was made. To test the connection, power on the DVD player, insert the Read With Me DVD setup disc, and choose "Test Your Controller" from the list of options. A series of instructions will appear on the screen. Press the corresponding button on the controller as instructed by the DVD. All of the buttons should light up on the television screen during the testing procedure. If all of the lights do not come on, you need to reprogram the controller.


    • Several different reading games were developed for the Read With Me DVD system. Insert one of the discs into the DVD player and power on the controller by pressing the "ON" button. Choose one of the game options on the main menu to start the game. As the game progresses, the disc will ask your child questions and offer multiple answers. To continue the game, your child must press the button shape on the controller that corresponds to the correct answer.

      The controller has several additional buttons that control the operation of the game. The "Menu" button returns the game to the main menu. The "Play" button starts a story, and the "Pause" button pauses the story. By pressing the "Page Back" or "Page Forward" buttons, you reverse or advance the story by one page. The "Repeat" button repeats the last game interaction. Finally, the "Activity" button starts the next game.

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