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Beginners Method for Solving the Rubik's Cube

The Rubik̵7;s cube is a difficult but fun puzzle game that has been around since 1974. It consists of a cube with a different color on each side. Each cube is broken into nine cubes on a three-by-three grid. Each section can turn to each side. The puzzle is solved when each side is one color. Figuring this puzzle out as a beginner can be difficult.
  1. The Cross

    • Start solving your Rubik̵7;s cube by forming the cross. The cross is made up of the center cube and each cube above and below the center cube. This forms a small plus symbol in the middle of the side. Only worry about doing this for one side at a time. The center cube cannot move on a Rubik̵7;s cube so it dictates the color of each side. However, you can̵7;t place just any cube in the cross. The opposite side of each cube must be the same color as the center cube on the opposite side. If the colors don̵7;t match, your cross is wrong and must be remade correctly.

    The Corners

    • After getting the cross done, you have to put the corners in to finish the side. There will be four cubes remaining of that color. Look carefully at the colors opposite these corner pieces. These pieces will have two different colors opposite them. Use the rest of your cube to carefully move your corner cubes into position. Try to avoid messing up your cross, or if you must, remember the moves to get it back. You will eventually have to mess up your cross to put the corner in place. Memorize or write down the moves necessary to get your cross back together. Finish off the side by careful, considered moves.


    • Use the cross and corner method to slowly put your Rubik̵7;s cube back into place. Always move slowly and think before you move. Don̵7;t start twisting away hoping to luck onto the solution. You won̵7;t. There are thousands of different color combinations available in a Rubik̵7;s cube, and the chances of accidentally solving the puzzle are minuscule. Finish off sides nearer to each other first so that you can use more of the cube to solve your puzzle. Finishing the first two or three sides will be much harder. As you finish the puzzle, the colors will begin falling into place much easier. This is because the movement options will be more limited, as the sides will be solved.

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