Milk Carton Log Cabin
A milk carton has the right shape for a construction paper log cabin. You can use a either quart-sized container cut in half or an eight-ounce carton like those served in schools. Wash the container thoroughly before using. Cut brown construction paper into strips that are the same length as a side of the carton and roll them into log shapes. Tape the strips closed and glue them to the sides of the carton to form logs. To make the roof, cut brown construction paper into a square that is the same size as the peaked roof of the carton. Fold the paper into a tented shape. Glue the fold of the paper to the ridge of the carton. This will form the roof.
Pretzel Log Cabin
For this log cabin, you will need another eight-ounce milk carton, washed and dried. Cut the ridge of the tented carton off and glue the carton closed where the ridge used to be. Cover the sides of the carton with chocolate frosting and cover them with pretzels to form logs. Spread frosting over the back of a graham cracker quarter and "glue" it to the side of the cabin to form a door. You can form a roof by gluing a candy square to the ridge using frosting.
Cabin Playhouse
Cut grooves into the corner of fun noodles so that they resemble Lincoln Logs. Stack these fun noodle logs to form walls with the grooved corners fitting crosswise on one another the way Lincoln Logs fit. Cut shorter sections to form a door, and finish the door frame with a section of cardboard box. Cover the roof with a cardboard tented square.