Things You'll Need
Find an object which can be used to conveniently tote items from one place to another for the child's sleuthing kit. Anything from an old suitcase to a gym bag will work. Affix a "Top Secret" label onto the kit.
Add a notebook and writing utensil to the sleuth kit. Secret agents definitely need something on which to write their findings. Even a small notepad or "sticky notes" will work.
Include a child's stethoscope, ostensibly so the young super sleuth can hear conversations through walls or other barriers. If no stethoscope is available, a glass will work just as well in most cases, even a glass that is made of heavier plastic or durable Styrofoam.
Use "disguises" in the forms of costume pieces and accessories. Masks, scarves, hats, sunglasses, shoes and jewelry are all fair game. Even old gloves can be useful.
Include a child's cell phone (to make important connections with allies), string or yarn (to use as an escape "rope") and old keys (one just might work on a jailer's lock).